Teeth whitening – how does it work?

Thinking of undergoing teeth whitening but not too sure what the process is like?  Or have you found yourself staring at your teeth on those lockdown video calls thinking “I need some teeth whitening!”

Tooth whitening involves gently bleaching the teeth to make them whiter in appearance. Home whitening, using custom made trays and gels, is now the most effective way for long-term whitening. Apart from the obvious cosmetic benefits, teeth whitening can also have positive effects on your dental health.

Tooth Fairy’s teeth whitening system utilises a peroxide containing gel – alongside some specially made tight fitting trays. But not all whitening trays are the same! After much trial and testing, Tooth Fairy has developed the best trays to give superior whitening. Our tooth whitening trays are custom made for your teeth, and help push the gel into deep grooves and crevices between the teeth. They also protect the gel from the gums and reduce sensitivity.

This combination of our unique trays and gels can help whiten teeth with effects lasting up to years. During Covid-19 it may be hard to access a dentist to get measured, but using the Tooth Fairy app you can still video call a dentist and discuss the risks and benefits to ensure you are suitable for teeth whitening.

  • How long does teeth whitening take?

Tooth Fairy uses gels that only need to be worn for 1 hour a day, and the best thing is that you can see results super quick after starting.

  • Does it hurt?

Not with our system. Tooth Fairy teeth whitening doesn’t hurt as the gel is kept away from your gums. Our teeth whitening gel works effectively and within the legal regulations. Our gel is not irritating and does not cause any pain.

  • Does teeth whitening cause sensitivity?

On the majority of our patients, this is not the case. We try and filter the patients who are sensitive by asking them the golden question – do your teeth hurt when you eat ice cream? If so you may have more than normal sensitive teeth – therefore we will prescribe you a regime with anti-sensitive tooth paste and a nice slow plan.

Last updated on May 6, 2024

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