Toothfairy -

Contact us


Any issues on the platform, downtime, or outages will be reported here.

App Status

Live 🟢

Issue: Android app is awaiting acceptance from Google, please allow 24-48 for Google to accept the new build, to permit update.

No reported issues

Helpline Status

Live 🟢

No reported issues

If you wish to report any issues with the platform, please contact us at


New Patient Questions

For new patients, if you wish to discuss our services, or have questions regarding prices and treatments, use the below chat line:

Launch live chat ↗

Existing patients

For existing patients, the best way to contact us is via the Chat feature in the app.  The dentist and the clinical team are able to assist more directly.

For payment queries or questions regarding your payment plan, please call the helpline: +44 20 4525 4645

Alternatively, please email us at

Employees / Insurance

Issues with access:

Have you been given access to Toothfairy by your insurer or your employer, and are you having issues with the app? You can download the app and speak directly to the team in the chat. If you are having issues with the app and cannot use it, you can use the live chat below:

Launch live chat ↗

Alternatively, please email us at



If you are a dentist or pharmacy who needs to speak to our dentist team regarding a script, please email both:





To see how Toothfairy can help you as a business and your employees, book a free demo below:

Book free demo



General Enquiries


For any other business, such as press or PR requests, please contact us directly at: