Quality Assurance
Tooth Fairy Healthcare LTD aims to provide dental advice of a consistent quality for all patients; we strive to match and better the high standards expected in the traditional dental clinical setting. We expect all members of Tooth Fairy Healthcare LTD to work to these standards to help us achieve our aim of providing a quality service.
The policies, systems and processes in place in our practice reflect our professional and legal responsibilities and follow recognised standards of good practice.
At Tooth Fairy Healthcare LTD, we aim to achieve the best results for our patients through clear policies and systems and appropriately trained and competent team members. We evaluate our practice on a regular basis through audit, peer review and patient feedback and monitor the effectiveness of our quality assurance procedures.
We work with external agencies, including the British Dental Association and Care Quality Commission to maintain those standards. We are committed to comply with customer requirements and applicable regulatory requirements and to maintain the effectiveness of our quality management system.
Quality Standards and Procedures
Tooth Fairy Healthcare LTD has effective procedures for assuring and enhancing the quality of the services we provide for our patients.
In providing our patients with care of a consistent quality, we will:
- Provide a safe and welcoming environment
- Ensure all members of the dental team are appropriately trained
- Provide patients with information about Tooth Fairy Healthcare LTD and the care available and ensure that the patient understands the terms on which care is offered
- Display indicative treatment charges in app
- Explain all management / treatment options and agree clinical decisions with the patient, explaining the possible risks involved with each option
- Educate patients and provide treatment plans based on the agreed treatment
- Obtain valid consent for consultation / advice / all treatment
- Refer to private specialists for investigation or treatment as appropriate and without undue delay
- Maintain contemporaneous clinical records with an up-to-date medical history for all patients
- Provide secure storage of patient records to maintain patient confidentiality
- Explain the procedure to follow for raising a complaint about the service, identifying the practice contact
For all our employees, we undertake to:
- Provide a safe working environment through hazard identification and risk assessment
- Provide induction training for all new team members
- Provide job descriptions and contracts of employment to all members of staff.
- Review and update job descriptions annually to reflect current duties and responsibilities
- Agree in writing the terms for all self-employed contractors
- Provide ongoing training and identify opportunities for development for all employees
- Maintain staff records ensuring the following information is up to date:
- relevant medical information
- contact details
- professional qualifications
- absence through holiday and sickness
- performance reviews
- in-house and external training
- Ensure that all staff are kept up to date with all Tooth Fairy Healthcare LTD policies and procedures, including any technological changes with our secure online platforms.
Tooth Fairy Healthcare LTD Team
Team members implement and adhere to the Tooth Fairy Healthcare LTD policies and procedures which are readily accessible on our internal system.
All new members of the team receive training in procedures, policies and quality assurance activities as part of their induction. Appraisal meetings take place annually and include an assessment of training needs.
We expect everyone working at the practice to:
- Understand our aims and objectives
- Have an understanding of the skills and competencies required to deliver the services successfully
- Understand and participate in our quality assurance activities.
- Dealing with emergencies, informing them off relevant services and documenting all issues.
- Safeguarding issues raising complaints and documenting
Dentists also understand the policies and procedures for:
- Confidentiality and Data protection for all patients
- Clinical governance requirements and CQC standards of quality and safety
- Professional and legal requirements affecting dentistry.
All GDC registrants meet their continuing professional development requirements and, as required by the GDC, maintain records of their individual CPD activity. In addition, Tooth Fairy Healthcare LTD maintains records of all practice-wide training it provides and training provided for individual members.
Registered address: 18 Burntwood Road, Norton Canes, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 9RE
We undertake regular audits of our procedures and protocols to monitor our service to our patients. On a regular basis, we consider:
- Antibiotic audit
- Complaints audit
- Safeguarding Audit
- IG Audit
- Patient satisfaction from our consultations in app and in person
- Patient views of effectiveness of our app and in-app videos in improving their oral health
- Patient satisfaction levels
- Patient retention rate
- Quality of data collection.
Quantitative data
On a monthly basis, we record the following:
- Total number of patients seen
- New patients seen
- Failed appointments (and unused time)
Every 6 months we record the following:
- Patient safety incidents and the outcome of investigations
- Positive feedback and compliments
- Any complaints and negative comments.