IPR – Interproximal reduction

Creating space between teeth can help align smiles and help improve the shape and crowding present in difficult cases.

In children teeth can be extracted, which helps create space to move teeth around. In adults we want to avoid extracting teeth, firstly because it is not aesthetically pleasing, and secondly it can increase the time of treatment due to the need to close large spaces created from removing teeth.

How is IPR done?

At Tooth Fairy we ensure IPR is done safely and by a dentist. We measure how much space is needed, this can range from 0.1mm to 0.3mm, and we decide this with the help of the computer planning software at the design stage.

The amount and where we do it, depends on the teeth and level of crowding. We can work around certain teeth where there is minimal space, and we need to correct crowding or poorly rotated teeth. Teeth that are very tight, and unable to be cleaned through, can be improved through the need of IPR.

Does it hurt?

IPR does not hurt, as we are only removing small amounts of enamel by hand. The usual width of enamel is around 2mm, and therefore, reducing enamel between the teeth is safe and a procedure that is commonly used in teeth straightening.

Do I need to have IPR?

The decision of IPR is made by the patient, we as dentists will recommend it where we deem it will help with the teeth straightening process.

How long does it take?

IPR takes around a 15-20 minute appointment, and there is no need for injections. The sensation feels as though your teeth are being flossed and cleaned in between.

Last updated on March 25, 2024

Dr. Deepak Aulak

Dr. Deepak Aulak is a London-based dental practitioner with a special interest in cosmetic dentistry. Having graduated from King's College London in Dentistry, Dr. Aulak was decorated with over a dozen awards and scholarships along the way, which notably include the Jelf Medal, Malleson Prize for research and GKT Hospital's Full Shields.


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