Whitening Instructions
Clean your aligners with water, and ensure they are dry inside. You can use a cotton bud to to do this.
Remove the tip, and ensure you use the gel carefully to not overload.
Load a small “peppercorn” sized amount inside the front 6 teeth. Do the same for your lower aligners.
Place the trays into your mouth, and wipe away an excess that may extrude using a cotton bud / tissue.
Conduct whitening for 60 minutes, you can do this whilst commuting or whilst your are watching TV.
Whitening is not to be used if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or allergic to any ingredients below.
Low % Hydrogen Peroxide, Urea Peroxide, Glycerin, Propylene, Glycol, Aqua, Carbomer, Potassium Nitrate, Cellulose Gum, PVP, Menthol, Sodium Hydroxide. Whitening is not suitable for anyone pregnant or allergic to the above, or for anyone with gum disease or cavities. A sign of gum disease is bleeding gums and exposed root surfaces.
For best results, use the gel daily for 60 minutes, once a day for 3-4 weeks. Once the daily whitening treatment is complete, rinse your mouth with water and continue your alignment journey, if applicable.
Contact us in app, or email doctor@toothfairyapp.co.uk